If you already have a previous version, you can upgrade it with a significant discount or even for free. Download and try the new version 4 right now from its home page. Read more about new features of WMP Trimmer Plugin 4 in our blog post. So you can enjoy the editing of such files in this Edition right now! The editing of 4K files is possible now with the Business Edition of WMP Trimmer Plugin 4. With 4K, you enjoy beautiful 3840×2160 images in your videos - four times the resolution of Full-HD. No matter what kind of voice over you would like to add: for e-Learning and training videos, for corporate videos and animations or for your game record - the Plugin will easily help you with this task. The voice over feature of the Plugin 4 allows adding your voice narrations during the file playback in Windows Media Player. The main advantage of the new version 4 is the Frame accurate editing in the Home Edition version of the Plugin - now you can fully enjoy the benefits of the frame accurate editing that ensures that your output video will start exactly from the selected frame. Great news: we have released the new 4th version of WMP Trimmer Plugin with a bunch of new useful features and novelties: frame accurate editing in the Home Edition, floating license to install the product on up to 5 computers, support of 4K files editing in the Business Edition, adding voice over to your videos, editing files with HEVC codec, editing files with subtitles, improved interface skin with convenient timeline. TriMP4 for Android Edit your phone videos in one click.Sync Checker SDK Audio/video sync checker SDK Read more.Media Utilities Open source AVI Demultiplexer, DirectShow Filter, and more.HyperCam SDK Developing applications for screen/sound data capturing.Video Editing SDK Develop your own video/audio editing software.